Asking Santa to bring some very important gifts | Publisher’s Column

Dear Santa, I’m writing to you this year from Whidbey Island. I moved here in February after spending the previous 13 years as publisher in Yelm. My wish list this year is a little different than when I was in Yelm.

Dear Santa,

I’m writing to you this year from Whidbey Island. I moved here in February after spending the previous 13 years as publisher in Yelm.

My wish list this year is a little different than when I was in Yelm.

As I write you, I’m living with my 18-year-old son, Liam, who is at that age where he’s struggling with what to do with his life. He’s currently attending Skagit Valley College in Oak Harbor, but longs to return to Yelm.

For Liam, I ask that you bring him the gift of clarity. Allow him to see through the haze that clutters his mind and to make decisions that will allow him to create a life for himself filled with happiness and success.

For the communities these newspapers serve, Santa, I hope you will bring the gift of prosperity and peace in the coming year.

It’s been a tough go for many businesses across the country for several years now, and it’s no different on Whidbey Island.

I’ve heard that the economy is improving. It’s my wish that we feel that rebound as we leave the gate and race into 2014.

We have some resilient people living here on the island, and the potential is boundless. Just a little boost would be very welcome, Santa.

For those who have sparred over some very controversial issues this past year or so, I hope you will bring the gifts of patience and tolerance. As you know, most people have good hearts and the best intentions, Santa, but somehow in this age of the Internet it is easy to remove oneself from one’s actions and villianize those with whom we disagree.

Let 2014 be the year of self reflection, and willingness to debate issues without malice or a mean spirit.

It’s much more rewarding to get a point across without name calling and personal attacks, don’t you think, Santa?

For myself, I ask for only one gift — that would be the continued involvement of folks on this great island community.

Whidbey Island is fortunate to have intelligent, civic-minded residents. Get them all subscriptions to the local paper, and help my great staff and I keep them informed about the issues and events of importance to them.

And you have a Merry Christmas, Santa.
