Jean H McMullen

2/19/26 – 10/28/1912

Jean H (Moar) McMullen passed way peacefully on October 28, 2012, in Shoreline, Wash. She was a quiet, considerate, intelligent, beautiful person who will be truly missed.

She was born Feb. 19, 1926 and raised in Spokane. Summers were spent at the family cabin on Priest Lake, Idaho. In 1950, she graduated from the University of Washington.

Jean and Dale McMullen were married in 1952. He died in 1979. She is survived by her sister-in-law Marjorie; nephew Tom; niece Nancy, and Nancy’s children and grand children.

She loved her dogs, the outdoors, Steelhead fishing on the Skagit River and hiking and climbing with a few friends on weekends. She was the first woman to top Chimney Rock near her Priest Lake.

Jean was a avid reader and an expert on our natural environment. She shared this knowledge and beauty she saw in our wonderful world with others.

She and Dale lived in many areas, but settled in Coupeville on Whidbey Island. She loved the beaches, the beauty of the area and the friendly people.

Jean requested no funeral, but asked friends to toast her life.