David Vernon Boreen liked to be called Dave. He could build a deck, remodel a house, fix a car, cook you dinner, beat you at cards, rip up trees with an excavator, and wire a jet factory. He loved his family, friends, music, and his dog, Boo. He could outsmart, outtalk, and outnegotiate almost anyone. Telephone billing departments and cable providers were all impressed with his skills at making them see things his way. His will was as mighty as any you’ll come across, even stronger than his body at the end. Even though he is gone, his presence will be felt when your hand strokes the fine finish on the furniture he made; when you listen to your favorite music with the sound turned up; when you’re enjoying the freedom of driving down the road on a beautiful day; or when you hear the bang of the garage door and expect him to walk into the kitchen once again. Dave will be sorely missed by his parents, Allen and Dorothy, and by his siblings Kevin and Cat, Kathy and Greg, and Mary, and his nieces and nephew, Sam, Kirsten, and Steve. Dave introduced his son, Michael, to Tai Kwon Do, and Michael now loves teaching the art to others. Dave leaves behind scores of dear friends who appreciated his generosity, wit, intelligence, creativity, determination, independence, vulnerabilities, and humor. His family is extremely grateful for all those who have loved, helped, and appreciated Dave throughout his life. The burial service will be 11 a.m. on January 28 at Maple Leaf Cemetery in Oak Harbor. He will be laid to rest beside his brother, Steve, and his grandparents Alice, Vernon, and Abigail.
David Boreen: August 5, 1971 – January 19, 2023