Where is the board oversight for agencies | Letter

The news of recent events on Whidbey Island seems to go from bad to worse.


The news of recent events on Whidbey Island seems to go from bad to worse. First, we are bombarded with the whining of a small group calling itself Citizens of Ebey Reserve (COER), who audaciously filed a lawsuit to force closure of a U.S. Navy aircraft landing field that has existed since the 1940s.

Then, we are shocked to learn of the gross mismanagement of Island Transit, resulting in the firing of top management due to the squandering of public funds. This happened shortly after completion of a multi-million dollar transit complex, complete with questionable amenities with expensive price tags.

Then, more recently, we learned of management lapses at Whidbey General Hospital involving failure to file financial reports, in violation of state law. This happened after a passionate appeal by hospital management for a $50,000,000 bond issue (loan) for new construction, in spite of continued deficit spending for their operating budget. After voter approval of the bond issue, one wonders if the public is getting is money’s worth?

What ever happened to accountability? It seems that some public officials are either so arrogant or irresponsible that they can no longer be trusted to do the right thing.

The next question, of course, is where was the oversight from boards of directors and county commissioners? Is anyone minding the store?

David Howe
