Wealth controlled by the state

Commissioner Dean said something quite telling, that his job is to look out for Island County and not private industry. Some unnamed writer “In Our Opinion” lamented that it’s now harder for the state to raise taxes. And John Voet praised raising fees to land owners for the research of water, something every land owner is already quite aware of, as is the condition of his septic.

Commissioner Dean said something quite telling, that his job is to look out for Island County and not private industry. Some unnamed writer “In Our Opinion” lamented that it’s now harder for the state to raise taxes. And John Voet praised raising fees to land owners for the research of water, something every land owner is already quite aware of, as is the condition of his septic.

In every case this shows total disregard for the welfare of the private worker or property owner, the backbone of the community and the engine that generates wealth for the state. I look around, the wealth is already with the state in the land, buildings and vehicles. Is it the state that is highly important, or is it the private citizen?

Scott Vanderlinden

Oak Harbor