Watch out for racccons and rabbits | Letter to the editor

Concerned citizens of Whidbey Island, I think we may have an issue on our collective hands. I was reading — with delight as always — the Whidbey News-Times “Island Scanner” and came upon two very, very disconcerting issues. It appears that someone reported, “… seeing a raccoon running in the area of Southwest Eighth Avenue.”


Concerned citizens of Whidbey Island, I think we may have an issue on our collective hands. I was reading — with delight as always — the Whidbey News-Times “Island Scanner” and came upon two very, very disconcerting issues.

It appears that someone reported, “… seeing a raccoon running in the area of Southwest Eighth Avenue.”

Taken aback, I immediately locked my doors and windows and informed my children that school may be canceled the next day, and that, even if it wasn’t, I would not be letting them go to school.

Asked why, I told them that there was a raccoon outside. They called me crazy, but who is laughing now? Because if a raccoon running around wasn’t crazy enough, I noticed that someone had witnessed, and reported mind you, that “… a rabbit appears to have been hit by a vehicle.”

I hardly slept that night knowing that there were raccoons running wild and cars running over rabbits.

I love Whidbey Island, but I’m concerned for my and my children’s safety.  Folks, if you see a raccoon or rabbit, be careful and call 9-1-1. That’s what they are there for.

Do not, under any circumstance, approach the raccoon or rabbit, no matter how fluffy or floppy-eared they look.

Jimmy Sloan
Oak Harbor