U.S. energy independence rests on nuclear

I wish to reply to the letter of Mr. Paul Bixby of June 11 in which he states that billions are wasted on coal, oil, and nuclear power. He is correct about the first two but couldn’t be more wrong about the last.

I wish to reply to the letter of Mr. Paul Bixby of June 11 in which he states that billions are wasted on coal, oil, and nuclear power.

He is correct about the first two but couldn’t be more wrong about the last.

Nuclear power is our only hope of getting quickly out from under the thumb of OPEC and making this country energy independent!

Our Navy has been safely using nuclear power for over 50 years. No one in our country has ever been harmed by nuclear power stations.

If you want to be most “green” consider that nuclear power plants generate less carbon dioxide than wind and solar combined!

Wind and solar have their place and research should be continued.

However the principal focus for the near future should be on a Manhattan-like project to quickly quadruple our nuclear power generation in 10 years.

Robert Adams, MD

Oak Harbor