Thanks for the support

Please allow me to take this opportunity to say thank you to the folks of Whidbey Island — particularly South Whidbey! Thank you for your ongoing support of South Whidbey’s Parks and Recreation District. We have achieved a lot in the six years I’ve been at the helm of the district and I am so proud of the facilities and programs we now offer the community.

Please allow me to take this opportunity to say thank you to the folks of Whidbey Island — particularly South Whidbey!

Thank you for your ongoing support of South Whidbey’s Parks and Recreation District. We have achieved a lot in the six years I’ve been at the helm of the district and I am so proud of the facilities and programs we now offer the community.

As I move off island and head to new adventures in Middlebury, Vt., I leave with sadness and melancholy for the ol’ hometown.

I would be remiss if I did not say thank you to the incredible people who work for the district on a full-time basis — Carrie Monforte, Peggy Nelson, Tom Fallon, Larry Calbert and Anna Williams— and all the wonderful part-time staff we’ve hired over the years for the basketball program, summer day camps or in various other roles.

When I came to the district in 2007, I would not have believed we could accomplish the extensive list of initiatives and major maintenance projects, making this the premier park district on Whidbey Island. But we did it — together.

The partnerships and collaborations I have formed with local business people, contractors, government agencies, the school district and volunteers has truly been a highlight of my career.

We achieved many things for the community and I will miss the special events and programs where I got to mingle and see people enjoying the assets of the park district.

As I leave this career stop behind and look ahead to the remaining 10 years, I am grateful to everyone for supporting my work and efforts on behalf of the community during my six years here and three years with Island County Parks.

The experiences and accomplishments I’ve gained will remain a treasure. A home community is just that — a community one can come “home” to as a place of refuge.

I look forward to returning to Whidbey for visits and catching up with old friends. Please stop by as my last day with the district is Dec. 21.

I sincerely hope the community of South Whidbey will show further interest in the park district by attending board meetings, getting to know the park commissioners, giving your comments, and most of all by voting.

This is your park district, and you have the right to know what is being planned and adopted on your behalf, in your community.

And it’s good to be involved.

– Terri Arnold, director

South Whidbey Parks & Recreation

