Stop talking taxes for the holidays

I once again ask the Island County commissioners to show some compassion on the citizenry. We now hear that you have gone beyond your stated intent with the legal action on this new taxing district. I know that your decision has been all along to have this developed, without regard to public opinion.

I once again ask the Island County commissioners to show some compassion on the citizenry. We now hear that you have gone beyond your stated intent with the legal action on this new taxing district. I know that your decision has been all along to have this developed, without regard to public opinion.

You use fear tactics of unsafe drinking water. Yet, your design seems to point to the “Clean Water Act” which is predominately for Puget Sound water pollution and does not address safe drinking water. Nevertheless, neither one of them constitutes a more serious problem right now, than our current economic situation. Your moving ahead with this plan will almost certainly bring further hardship and delay a recovery.

The last time the people gathered asking you to reconsider this new tax, a citizen stated their concern that this would cause an immense burden on the county. They expressed that this may cause such an outrage with the people that the county may be brought to their knees by public document requests.

It is the duty of the managers of the people’s treasury, to not continue to put the people’s treasure in this type of jeopardy. As your soon-to-be co-worker, I respectfully request that you give the responsible, self-reliant, hard working taxpayers of the county a kind and generous Christmas gift by tabling all discussion of a new taxing district until next year.

Kelly Emerson

District 3 Commissioner-elect

Camano Island