In Obama’s own words, the U.S. Constitution is the only impasse to his “transformation” of America, the same Constitution he took an oath to uphold. Mind you, an oath to such a man is but a perfunctory step to the highest office. I’ve reviewed the video of that moment and he had great difficulty simply repeating the words offered by Chief Justice Roberts. No teleprompter was there to assist.
Obama has trampled on our Constitution and belittles Congress. “I don’t need to deal with Congress, I’ll bypass them!” If George Bush had said that, he would have been impeached. Were it not for the House GOP efforts, since 2010 our debt would be worse, as Obama added $6.7 trillion, after CBO recalculated the cost of Obama-care to be three times the original prediction.
This debt exceeds the entire combined debts of every president from George Washington through G.W. Bush. This includes every war fought by America from our Revolutionary War and including Iraq and Afghanistan. No financial class will escape this meltdown so get over the class warfare blame game! We are all in the same boat called America. Obama is doing a great job of destroying our economy and blaming any dissenting voice as racists.
The Democrats controlled both Houses from January 2007 till January 2011 and only Congress can present a budget. Obama was a voting senator from Illinois and approved these massive spending bills which he signed as president in 2009. He inherited his own deficit spending bill. There is no one but himself to blame.
The Solyndra bankruptcy, which Obama funded with $500 million of tax dollars, is blaming China for crafting better competitive solar panels. Despite being bankrupt, execs were paid bonuses with your green money for a “green” failed technology. This was a political payback as they subsidizing Obama’s election efforts. Chicago tactics are learned early.
The “Job’s” political cartoon (News-Times, March 17) that depicts a GOP jumping on a contraceptive grenade is misleading. But this is what the News-Times does best. It suggests that principled Christian GOP types are suicidal, should not hold an ethical concern for the impact of abortions and contraceptive abortifacients. But now Obama believes it so important that we should pay for them!
This contrived issue is of Obama’s making. If he, as a constitutional professor, knew the limits of executive power, he would have never entered the mine field that separates church from state.
No, he’d rather blame one class / race/ religion against another, not surprising for the most divisive blame game president in history! The Christians in this argument are now pitted against the progressive seculars regarding “women’s issues.” This is contrived and dishonest. Obama allows tribes to kill bald eagles under his selective religious dispensation, but Christians must pay for abortions. Some 47 million children / fetuses have been killed since Roe vs. Wade in 1973. Abortion is the religious holy grail of the left. This is a holocaust! Wake up America, this president is a Trojan horse destroying economically and morally our country and if you do not oppose him, you’re complicit and responsible.
Vote to save America, pray we can change the course of our great country to reflect our founding fathers’ greatest collection of thoughts with the creation of our Constitution.
Edward Drum
Oak Harbor