Sick of hearing the same old complaints | Letter

In response to Ken Pickard’s recent letter to the editor — sheesh!


In response to Ken Pickard’s recent letter to the editor — sheesh!

I am so done reading your whiney, boo hoo, “poor me” letters and those of your cohorts.

Please, the community at large is begging you to take responsibility for the decisions you, and you alone, made when you decided to live on Whidbey Island.

The Navy didn’t bribe you, the real estate person didn’t purposely deceive you, the pilots don’t target your house, and the community isn’t forcing you to stay.

The ones staying are the Navy and the thousands of people who support it.

You, Mr. Pickard, and your cohorts, are in the minority here. No one, not the city commissions, not the courts, not the Navy, and certainly not the majority of this Navy town’s citizens, care to listen to the same repetitive misrepresentations of Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve.

The real estate market is in a really good place right now. Take advantage of that and get out. Leave. Go away.

Enough already. You chose to live here. Do what’s right and choose to move again.

It’s time.



Shelley Blackburn
