Schools: Schools observe day of silence

Wednesday, April 13, students in local middle and high schools have been given permission to participate in the national day of silence.

Wednesday, April 13, students in local middle and high schools have been given permission to participate in the national day of silence which is a student-led action toward creating safer schools for all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

The students participating will be allowed to put tape over their mouths and refuse to participate in any classroom activity that would require a verbal response. I admit that, at first, I was enraged that this kind of activity is allowed and supported in schools and colleges across the nation, but after much prayer and thought on the matter I see it as an excellent opportunity for Christians across the nation to fulfill the great commission (Matt 28:19 – Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, … teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; …) We will be able to specifically focus our prayers or even approach individuals who have taped their mouths and share with them the Gospel message. The Bible tells us that God can take anything and use it for His good purpose. Let it be so.

Charmaine Benton

Oak Harbor