Salaries too much during hard times

Transit seeks stimulus money: Seems that Island Transit just received approval of the levy increase, now they want to get a piece of the $1.5 billion discretionary fund so they can build new buildings. Let’s hear the real truth about Island Transit: What is the executive director being paid, what are the office staff and shop personnel being paid — where’s the money really going? Will they come forth with that information or is it private?

Transit seeks stimulus money: Seems that Island Transit just received approval of the levy increase, now they want to get a piece of the $1.5 billion discretionary fund so they can build new buildings. Let’s hear the real truth about Island Transit: What is the executive director being paid, what are the office staff and shop personnel being paid — where’s the money really going? Will they come forth with that information or is it private?

Seems that everyone else is having rough times, but yet you read the library administrator is being paid over $150,000 and the Whidbey Island CEO is being paid over $230,000 when the same position only paid $130,000 a few years ago. What an increase in pay and I’m sure benefits as well. What is the CEO really getting when you total the wage, benefits, paid expenses, vacation, sick time, etc.

We the folks who are having a hard time to some make it day-to-day see these folks just keep raking it in — when will it stop — let’s get every one on equal ground when it comes to pay. We need to stop raising taxes, approving levies for those who are “raking” in the cash for themselves.

So, Island Transit — let’s see the figures — what’s the real pay scale — maybe we need to work for you?

So, Whidbey General Hospital CEO — what’s the real pay for that position — be nice to hear the truth — if that’s possible.

Terry Lacey

Oak Harbor