Red Ticket prompts Coupeville street closure

A drawing Sunday afternoon will prompt the partial closure of two roads in downtown Coupeville. The Coupeville Town Council Tuesday night approved the closure of a portion of Alexander Street from the canoe shed to the Coupeville Wharf Sunday, Dec. 18, until 2 p.m. In addition, Front Street west of Grace Street will be closed.

A drawing Sunday afternoon will prompt the partial closure of two roads in downtown Coupeville.

The Coupeville Town Council Tuesday night approved the closure of a portion of Alexander Street from the canoe shed to the Coupeville Wharf Sunday, Dec. 18, until 2 p.m. In addition, Front Street west of Grace Street will be closed.

The road closures were requested to make room for the hundreds of people expected to show up for the annual “Red Ticket Drawing,” which is sponsored by the Coupeville Historic Waterfront Association. Organizers estimate 200 people will attend to see who will win a $1,000 cash prize. Shoppers earned a ticket for the drawing every time they spend $20 at participating Coupeville stores.

The drawing takes place Sunday, Dec. 18, 1 p.m. on the steps of the Island County Museum.