Recreation district: Too cold around pool

The Oak Harbor John Vanderzicht Memorial Pool locker room and foyer temperature remains around 60 degrees due to a heater failure. It has been like this for the past two months.

The Oak Harbor John Vanderzicht Memorial Pool locker room and foyer temperature remains around 60 degrees due to a heater failure. It has been like this for the past two months.

At the November and December board meetings I brought this up to the commissioners. At the December board meeting I asked them to raise the replacement of the locker room heater to Priority One and to get this replacement done as soon as possible before the cold weather arrives. No corrective board action was taken on this recommendation. This means that the board will possibly do nothing until the next meeting, Jan. 21, and if then approved it will probably take another month, Feb. 21, to get the new heater installed.

Why do pool patrons have to suffer through this inconvenience ?

Would a higher governmental level of oversight checks & balances permit this situation ?

The $30,000 approximate cost for this project has already been addressed in the budget, the needs assessment and priority listing. The money is available for this project.

Request that this project be started and completed as soon as possible.

Thomas R. Johnson

Oak Harbor