I would like to thank Wyn Achenbaum of Stamford, Conn., for his negative evaluation (Letters, Dec. 2) of the recent tax proposal of a Prop. 13 for the State of Washington.
As a 35-year resident of the Bay Area in California, may I say that Prop. 13 worked just fine in curbing the ambitions of the State of Califormia politicos toward the confiscation of the property values of the homeowners by taxation.
After 12 years of residence in Oak Harbor, perhaps I tend to underestimate the incredible wisdom to be found in Stamford, Conn.
Can’t the News-Times find suitable comments from other local residents on the recent tendency of our local politicians toward higher property taxes to support their ambitions. I can’t help but wonder what income-increasing schemes our local politicians have in mind for their personal use.
Who was it who said that the power to tax is the power to destroy? Or maybe just the power to increase a politician’s income at the expense of someone else?
John Q. Adams
Oak Harbor