Postcards tell of Oak Harbor paving project

Postcards are being used by the Washington State Department of Transportation to alert people to upcoming highway work in Oak Harbor.

Postcards are being used by the Washington State Department of Transportation to alert people to upcoming highway work in Oak Harbor.

Approximately 6,300 residents and business owners received notices last week concerning the upcoming repaving of Highway 20 near the city’s downtown. Construction starts in June.

Postcards were mailed last week to homes and businesses located near the construction zone.

Dave Chesson, spokesman for the Washington State Department of Transportation, said the DOT normally does not send out postcards explaining construction projects, but the impacts expected from a repaving project on Highway 20 during the busy summer season warranted more notification to the public.

He urges people with questions to contact him with any questions at 360-757-5970.

“It’s always nice to hear from people and answer their questions directly,” Chesson said.

Work is scheduled to begin next week on a project to repave Highway 20 in Oak Harbor from NE Narrows Road to Harbor Vista Drive. The $2.9 million effort will repave the road surface that has deteriorated due to severe weather, heavy traffic and studded tired. Workers will also improve the sidewalk ramps and traffic islands located along the Highway.

The majority of the work will take place at night to minimize impacts to motorists.

Drivers will first notice workers June 1 when they start preparing for the job by placing construction signs and environmental fencing along the route.

The project will last until fall, making driving in Oak Harbor all the more complicated as the city’s Pioneer Way rebuilding project is also in process.