Port imposing $150 bad boater fee

Commissioners for the Port of Coupeville passed a resolution adopting a $150 fee for people who cause problems at the Coupeville Wharf.

Executive Director Chris Michalopoulos said July was a banner year at the wharf, but with that came “belligerent” boaters.

He said that unruly boaters who cause extra work for port staff should be charged accordingly and presented Resolution 229 to impose a $150 charge.

“(It’s) if we have to call the cops or someone dumps two quarts of gas on our dock and our dock hands spend five hours cleaning it up,” Michalopoulos said.

In previous oil spills, the causing person was just billed for the cost of materials used to clean it up, now they will pay for material plus the $150.

The charge would also apply to boaters who try to slip out without paying their moorage fees.

Michalopoulos also proposed allowing the harbormaster to charge temporary moorage rates at her discretion.

“If someone comes in at 6 p.m. and wants to stay until 8 p.m., charge them $5,” he said. “Be a happy port.”

Previously any boat moorage after 6 p.m. was charged the full overnight fee.

The board approved both suggestions.
