I am writing in response to Mr. William Ludlow, whose April 30 letter to the editor is critical of Ann Adams’ latest letter. Mr. Ludlow, you and others who criticize Ms. Adams obviously do not understand the facts. If you had been reading all of Ms. Adams’ letters, you would be aware of the following facts:
William Jefferson Clinton was a great moral leader and should be candidate for sainthood. He never did anything wrong. Any scandal or embarrassment that happened during his presidency was entirely a product of a Republican conspiracy.
President Bush is a very, very bad man. He has never done anything right, and he never will as long as he is a Republican. Of course, if he should have an epiphany and switch to the Democratic Party, he would immediately be one of the good guys and eligible to wear a white cowboy hat.
Before you criticize Ms. Adam’s letters, you need to comprehend those facts. President Bush might also want to consider learning the facts from Ms. Adams.
Vin Sherman