Politicians: Elected officials dishonor POWs

A Seattle Times story states that not all of the duly elected members that we sent to Washington, D.C., saw fit to display the POW/MIA flag.

This letter is intended to be informative and not political. A recent article in a Washington state newspaper just got my attention and hopefully will give you something to ponder.

A Seattle Times story states that not all of the duly elected members that we sent to Washington, D.C., saw fit to display the POW/MIA flag.

The ones that choose (refused) not to display were: Sen. Patty Murray (D), Rep. Jay Inslee (D), Rep. Jim McDermott (D), Rep. Norm Dicks (D), Rep. Brian Baird (D), Rep. Doc Hastings (R) and Rep. Cathy McMorris (R). What is wrong with these morons?

I find this appalling. These people have forgotten the people that have gone to war, and some have died in the process, to insure that anyone can run for office; everyone has the right to vote for or against them.

These people have no right to hold office or breathe while standing on American soil!

Larry E Ogle
