Political: Bush’s budget reflects heart

Is President Bush’s changed heart reflected in his budget for 2006? How many of the teachings of Christ do you see in it?

In a 1999 debate, Gov. George Bush of Texas was asked, “What political philosopher do you most identify with and why?”

He said, “Christ, because he changed my heart.”

Is President Bush’s changed heart reflected in his budget for 2006? How many of the teachings of Christ do you see in it?

Christ said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.”

A report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities says, “Figures in the budget show that child-care assistance would be ended for 300,000 low-income children by 2009. The food stamp cut would terminate food stamp aid for approximately 300,000 low-income people, most of whom are low-income working families with children.” Also, “Reduced Medicaid funding most certainly would cause many states to cut their Medicaid programs, increasing the ranks of the uninsured.”

Other cuts: Education funding; food assistance for pregnant women, infants and children; funding for HIV and AIDS treatment; and environmental protection.

Why all these cuts in programs that benefit the least in our society? Bush says he needs this $226 billion in cuts over the next five years in order to reduce the deficit. But guess what? Rescinding Bush’s cuts in tax rates for high-income brackets and capital gains, and restoring taxes on dividend income would boost revenues $120 billion a year. Over five years, that’s $600 billion, which would cover the funding Bush wants to take away from food, health, education and our fragile ecosystem, with nearly $400 billion left over to reduce the deficit.

Bush’s heart, before Christ changed it, must have been harder than Pharaoh’s.

Ann Adams

Oak Harbor