Picture taking may be minimal

After the horror in Japan, many of us Whidbey property owners have been speculating about the results if the same thing happened to Whidbey. I’m sure that many of your readers would appreciate a well-reseached article about it.

After the horror in Japan, many of us Whidbey property owners have been speculating about the results if the same thing happened to Whidbey. I’m sure that many of your readers would appreciate a well-reseached article about it.

We presume that all low-lying shoreline areas, including the Navy base, would have been wiped out,  but would there have been any elevated areas that would have been spared (i.e., atop 475-foot Goose Rock)? Said another way, what would the before and after pictures of Whidbey Island look like?

Scott Keesling