Pheasant family is a welcomed addition to office

One of the things I’ve really enjoyed since moving to the island is all the wildlife. Every morning on my way to work I would see a hawk right near Outlying Field. Usually he, well I assumed it was a he, would be perched on a power line, waving his tale up and down.

One of the things I’ve really enjoyed since moving to the island is all the wildlife.

Every morning on my way to work I would see a hawk right near Outlying Field.

Usually he, well I assumed it was a he, would be perched on a power line, waving his tale up and down.

Sometimes I would spot him sitting in the grass.

I think he spends his days searching for yummy field mice.

It became a game each morning and evening as I traveled my destination, spotting my regular hawk.

I know there are a lot of hawks in the area, but I’m convinced it’s the same one.

I moved recently and I don’t travel that same path anymore, but I still see an abundance of wildlife.

Whether it’s flocks of birds in Ebey’s Prairie or all the deer I spot as I drive the island, the wildlife is abundant on Whidbey.

Several weeks ago we noticed there’s a family of pheasants living behind our office.

Sightings of them have become more frequent over the last few weeks to the point where we can almost always spot them at any given time.

There is one male, whom I’ve affectionately named Franklin, and three hens.

Usually Franklin is out in the prairie squawking up a storm.

We usually hear him before we see him.

I believe Franklin and his harem live in the bushes below my office window.

The other day they even greeted me as I pulled my car into the parking lot.

While they aren’t downright friendly toward humans, they are definitely comfortable and not skittery.

Franklin and his squawk has become a familiar and welcomed addition to the office environment.

As I write this, I can hear his familiar call.

As the weather gets better and OLF becomes more active, the sounds of airplanes are becoming more prominent.

The noise doesn’t bother me as it does some people.

I actually think Franklin is louder.






