Pearl Harbor remembered at Crescent Harbor

Pearl Harbor survivors will be remembered and honored next week at an annual ceremony at Crescent Harbor Marina near the Navy Exchange.

Pearl Harbor survivors will be remembered and honored next week at an annual ceremony at Crescent Harbor Marina near the Navy Exchange.

The event begins at 10 a.m., Tuesday, Dec. 7, and is being jointly hosted by the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association’s Northwest Cascade Chapter 5 and Whidbey Island Naval Air Station electronic attack squadron VAQ-129. The public is invited to attend.

Although the event will take place outside, a large tent with heaters will be set up. Speakers include Jim Stansell, president of the association, and Capt. Tom Slais, commander, electronic attack wing. Following their comments, a wreath will be placed in the water, along with a playing of taps and a gun salute.

The ceremony is expected to take about one hour. A reception will follow at the PBY Memorial Foundation’s museum in Simard Hall. Transportation will be available for the elderly.