“If you want to know more about wine, here’s the guy to call”
“Some taxpayers say they are tired of paying for Oak Harbor’s public pool. But if they stop, pool operators say they may not be able to keep it open.”
Everett man seriously hurt in separate mishap
“Most seem to agree that Washington’s motor vehicle tax needs reform. But some think Initiative 695 is a disastrous way to send a message, while others say it’s a message that’s long overdue”
“Life on Whidbey, as seen through 911 records.”
“Defeat of measure intended to make up for I-695 could force $800,000 in cuts.”
“Whidbey’s streets, as viewed through 911 reports.”
“DUI, assault arrests take two Oak Harbor officers off the street”
Oak Harbor City candidates tell us what they think can be done for downtown and the waterfront.
What do local school board candidates say they’ll do to get technology into the classrooms?
Schools around the nation are struggling to merge with the new electronic age. Here’s a statistical look at how they’re doing.
For more info on technology in the schools
Town Council races are forum focus