Soroptimist International of Oak Harbor is seeking applications for three monetary grants for local women. The Women’s Opportunity Award is…
Dorothy Neil reflects on her 92nd or is that 102nd birthday.
Concern, though not panic, appears to be the attitude of Island County emergency medical service and fire district professionals as they brace for the funding cuts that would come with the passage of Initiative 747 in next month’s election.
Central Whidbey woman raised a really big squash
An expert on county government sees an item on the Nov. 6 election ballot as a potential “real problem.”
The city of Oak Harbor is facing a possible $200,000 shortfall in next year’s $9.5 million budget because of the slumping economy and sales tax numbers that are coming in below projection.
Pete Sobotta details what hunters need to know about snows
If you have an opinion, let us know.
Memorial Stadium’s condition once again a factor
Mayor Patty Cohen is expediting the search for a new Oak Harbor city administrator, saying a long-term vacancy in the position would cause administrative problems for the city.
Troubled Holmes Harbor Sewer District plans its legal defense
The state Public Disclosure Committee has fined Coupeville School Board Vice President Cecil Stuurmans $100 for his repeated failure to submit a current Statement of Financial Affairs.
Teams eager for more games