Oak Harbor should stop adding fluoride | Letter

Editor, The reason Oak Harbor states for fluoridating water is that it’s expected by the state, but since 2010, 150 communities have quit adding it, including many in Washington.


The reason Oak Harbor states for fluoridating water is that it’s expected by the state, but since 2010, 150 communities have quit adding it, including many in Washington.

The World Health Organization revealed no difference in tooth decay between those who drink it and those who do not. It’s lower in many nonfluoridated areas. By definition, fluoridating water is a form of mass medication. That’s why European nations have rejected the practice. Fluoride is readily available in toothpaste.

Evidence shows that fluoridated water causes serious effects, including arthritis, damage to the developing brain, reduced thyroid function and bone cancer in adolescent males. According to the National Research Council, “Information indicates an effect of fluoride exposure on thyroid function.” And, “It is apparent that fluorides interfere with the functions of the brain.”

Take Iowa, for instance. The state has relatively low poverty rates but is heavily fluoridated; it also has high levels of ADHD. Thirty-three studies have reported an association between fluoride exposure and reduced IQ.

From the NRC: There’s a significant two-fold increase in cortical bone defects among children in the fluoridated community.

There are so many reasons Oak Harbor should stop placing this poison into the water supply. I’ve listed just a few.

Scott Vanderlinden

Oak Harbor