Oak Harbor politicians claim double “Schrammie” honors

Tonight the second Oak Harbor politician this month will receive a Schrammie, a dubious award presented with thick sarcasm and more than a hint of outrage by Ken Schram of KOMO news.

This week’s recipient of the Schrammie bobblehead statue is none other then Oak Harbor Mayor Jim Slowik, who earned it by taking an old campaign sign down from inside a downtown business and walking out the door with it, as reported in the Whidbey News-Times. The business owner had altered the sign, with a circle and slash across “Slowik,” and hung it as a protest of plans to turn Pioneer Way into a one-way street.

On Feb. 2, the Schrammie was awarded to state Rep. Barbara Bailey, also of Oak Harbor, for introducing a bill that would make coffee the official state beverage. He called her a “procrastinating politician” for sponsoring such an inconsequential proposal during a time of historic budget problems.

In his commentary posted on the KOMO website today, Schrammie calls Slowik a “political bully” for his actions.

“Way to quell dissent Mayor Jim Slowik. Way to address the needs of your community. Just bully your way to get what you think is best,” Schram wrote.

Slowik is at a conference this week and could not be reached for comment.