The Terri Schiavo case was always about valuing human life, especially those who have no voice. It has always been about that whether it is abortion or euthanasia. It has nothing to do with science, or medical breakthroughs that help us live longer healthy lives. God is still in charge of our life and death and if he wants us to die he will cause us to die. There is nothing we can do to stop it. (I know we don’t like to believe this).
So Ruth Pyren’s unwarranted attack on Christians (Letters, April 13) is simply the typical name calling that Christians have been getting for many years. She seems to prefer killing off Alzheimers and Parkinsons patients when they become inconvenient, or expensive. This is selfish and greedy, which we see too much of these days. It is the exact attitude that Michael Schiavo had.
No Ruth, Christians are not afraid to die. We of all people are least afraid of it since we know what will face us after death, and most of us believe it will be a better situation. But we also believe that life is a gift and should not be treated lightly. We believe we have a purpose in being here. Sometimes that purpose is to lower our pride and allow others to help us. Sometimes it is to overcome difficulties. Certainly, it’s not to give up when the going gets tough. What people who fight for life are really afraid of are people like Michael Schiavo and Judge Greer, who would kill us off before our time is up.
Nicole Prasch
Oak Harbor