Needle problem needs addressing | Letters

Twice now in two different locations my friend and I have found uncapped drug needles both in public kid-friendly areas. The pollution of these dirty needles has become a huge problem that needs to be addressed before a child pricks themselves with God knows what or worse contracts Hepatitis C, which can live up to, I believe, 18 hours.


Twice now in two different locations my friend and I have found uncapped drug needles both in public kid-friendly areas.

The pollution of these dirty needles has become a huge problem that needs to be addressed before a child pricks themselves with God knows what or worse contracts Hepatitis C, which can live up to, I believe, 18 hours.

Maybe the county will have to start putting biohazard needle disposal boxes around so that these junkies can dispose of their bad habits responsibly, rather than just tossing them out wherever. One location was a store parking lot and the other was West Beach. I would hate for my children to be playing at the beach and step or fall on a dirty sharp needle.

Tricia Rivas
Oak Harbor