More Navy flights means more noise

The Northwest Training Range Complex Environmental Impact Statement, Paragraph 3.5.6, states, “Airborne noise levels generated by the proposed action … would be less than significant.” The report goes on to say: “Few sensitive receptors would be exposed to these noise events.”

Sensitive receptors is the Navy’s dehumanizing term applied to people like you and me and all our neighbors on Whidbey Island. In the proposal the Navy could increase Prowler/Growler missions from 2,290 to 4,580 sorties annually. If you read the document you will see that the Navy has indeed done a lot of research regarding noise levels and repeatedly informs the reader that there will be little or no impact.

How can that be if twice as many Prowler/Growler and Poseidon flights are coming out of the NAS and OLF? The Navy does not connect the dots. But if you and I do, the picture is simple and clear. Twice as many flights equals twice as much noise and disturbance all around the north part of Whidbey Island.

What can you do? I urge residents to provide comments at the Web site The deadline is Feb. 18. This is a huge change being proposed by the Navy and the impacts are worrisome.

Susan Schopf

Oak Harbor