Maxine Sauter: A pocketbook full of memories

I would like to take a moment to recognize Maxine Sauter for the work she did for the animals of Whidbey Island.

I would like to take a moment to recognize Maxine Sauter for the work she did for the animals of Whidbey Island. Maxine was one of the founding members of Whidbey Animals’ Improvement Foundation. Maxine spent several years volunteering for WAIF on the board of directors. After Maxine stepped down from her position with WAIF, she continued to help with some of our special needs animals, by helping to fund some medical needs that were over what our budget would allow. Maxine was a great friend to the animals in need here at WAIF and also in our community.

The last time I met with Maxine, I brought some adoption paperwork to her office. Maxine was adopting one of our rescued collies from Camano Island. After she filled out her paperwork, Maxine pulled out her wallet to share with me her many pictures of family (both human and animal) that had passed on before her. I was touched by this pocketbook full of memories and the sadness in Maxine’s voice as she shared them with me. My hope is that all who cared for Maxine take comfort in knowing that she is with those loved ones that she carried with her for so long in that pocketbook full of memories.

Shari Bibich

WAIF Shelter Manager