Main Street funding approved

Oak Harbor City Council last week passed without discussion a resolution to donate $40,000 to the city’s newly approved Main Street program in 2016.

Oak Harbor City Council last week passed without discussion a resolution to donate $40,000 to the city’s newly approved Main Street program in 2016.

Under the rules of that program, the city, like any business, can receive a public-utility tax credit for 75 percent of the amount it donates.

The city made the donation contingent upon the Main Street Association having appointed a permanent executive director and a permanent board of directors. Plans are in the works to do so.

The city will consider future donations to the cause during its biannual budgeting meetings, it said.

“It think it’s fabulous to have a city that leads the way in supporting its Main Street program,” said Margaret Livermore, president of the Main Street Association board.