Looking Back: Noisy boys scolded for scaring horses

Looking Back is compiled from the Whidbey News-Times’ archives as the newspaper celebrates 125 years in business and the City of Oak Harbor its 100th anniversary of incorporation.

Here’s what was happening in the news this week:

100 years ago

The highest yield of wheat on Whidbey Island was on the farm of Mr. Abbott near Coupeville, the yield being 117 bushels per acre, for which Island County was awarded the government medal for the biggest yield per acre in the United States.

A near runaway was caused by boys shooting off dynamite near Mr. Geary’s place. Some boys thought they were cute by doing such things. The News suggested that next time they want to make a noise, they go to their fathers’ stump patch and shoot out a few stumps instead of scaring horses at night and causing accidents.

75 years ago

The Oak Harbor Holland Days celebration was set for June 14 and 15. In selecting the date, the group made an effort to name a time that would not interfere with the haying and other farm work as it planned to make the ever-popular livestock show better than ever and active cooperation of the farmers was needed.

Jake Wardenaar of Oak Harbor had 16 of his turkey breeding toms killed by dogs. Sheriff Tom Clark was called and killed two of Brick Dougliss’ dogs and was investigating the activities of several other dogs in the neighborhood.

C.E. Langland received 900 baby chicks from the Washington Co-op Hatchery of Bellingham.

50 years ago

A three-car accident on Midway Boulevard occurred when a woman accidentally hit the accelerator of her car and started a chin reaction. Three cars were proceeding down Midway at a reasonable rate of speed when Linda Hulse, at the end of the line, turned around to look at her baby in the back seat. While she was looking, her foot hit the accelerator and her car hit a pickup in front of her, and the truck hit the car in front of it. Only the driver of  lead car suffered injuries.

The Oak Harbor Lions heard plans for a comprehensive development program of natural salmon rearing areas. Milo Moore, a past state director of fisheries, explained his plans to enlarge and increase hatcheries. He told his audience that the state of Washington, especially Whidbey Island and Penn Cove, possess some of the best areas in the world to raise fish.

25 years ago

Reebok International Ltd. yanked off the air a commercial filmed from Deception Pass Bridge because consumers feared children might be temped to try the dangerous stunt. In the commercial, two men were shown jumping off the 160-foot bridge with an elastic bungee cord strapped to their ankles.

A former Oak Harbor man was charged in Los Angleles County, Calif., with first-degree murder in the shooting death of his ex-girlfriend. Stewart Yates was accused of shooting and killing Kathryn H. Lawrence, also formerly of Oak Harbor, according to Lt. Gary Jenkins of the Claremont Police Department in Claremont, Calif.

RC Everbeck, an actor who graduated from Oak Harbor High School in 1987, appeared in the Touchstone Pictures production of “Pretty Woman,” starring Richard Gere and Julia Roberts. Everbeck played a Beverly Hills shoe salesman.

Looking Back is compiled from the Whidbey News-Times’ archives as the newspaper celebrates 125 years in business and the City of Oak Harbor its 100th anniversary of incorporation.