Levy: Teachers need levy support

On behalf of 20 teachers whose positions are made possible by the current school levy, I urge you to vote “yes” for that levy’s renewal on March 8.

On behalf of 20 teachers whose positions are made possible by the current school levy, I urge you to vote “yes” for that levy’s renewal on March 8.

As the Whidbey News-Times recently highlighted, each elementary school has P.E. and art specialists who provide all kindergarten through fifth grade students with P.E. and art instruction. Oak Harbor School District’s elementary P.E. and art programs are effective, successful and popular.

The levy pays for a teacher at each middle school to support students in remedial and gifted education. At the high school, two full-time teaching positions provide students with two sections of advanced placement U.S. government, one section each of integrated science, Spanish and advanced placement statistics, and five sections of remedial reading/English.

Thank you, Oak Harbor, for having faith in your public schools by voting for the M&O levy in 2001. That faith has been honored in promises made and kept, and by the good stewardship of the taxpayers’ money.

To keep a good thing going for students, please vote to renew Oak Harbor School District’s M&O levyLevy on March 8.

Peter Szalai
