Levy: Grad returns, supports levy

The answer to the question is we all humbly share the distinction of graduating from Oak Harbor High School, and chose to return or commute to Oak Harbor to serve the community and raise our families.

Why are the following people unique (to name a few that come to mind)? Mayor Patty Flowers Cohen; council members former State Rep. Sue Compton Karahalios and Eric Gerber; former Oak Harbor Police Department Chief Tony Barge; OHFD firefighters Bob Wallin, Jason Lamar and Kevin Paggao; former and current school board members Scott Hornung and Gary Wallin; retired and current educators and school employees Cathy Vanderzicht, Kathy Harbour, Martha Seuss Wallin, Debbie Sondericker Wallin, Donna Andricos Smith, Lorraine Cruz Harmon, Mary Heck, Frank Hunter, Jim Waller, Patrick Manuel, Gretchen Talmadge Hanson; Wildcat sports event announcer Jay Long; former NASWI base commander, Captain John Schork; US Navy flight navigator, Ltjg Vika Russell; registered dietician Jacque Buehn Bouchard; attorneys Mike Waller and Nathan Manni; Doctors of Dental Science Tim Wezeman and Gary Berner; Lang Brothers Construction Inc.; home loan consultant Marcus Phipps; Realtor Patty Tull Cohick; community chorale director Chet Hansen; and lastly, yours truly?

Continue to read for the answer.

I am the oldest of seven Wildcat alumni in my family. Angela and Kenny, our two children, attended kindergarten through 12th grade in the Oak Harbor School District. Tyler and Cydnee, our grandchildren, are students at Oak Harbor Elementary.

Join me at the polls on the second Tuesday next month, March 8, to vote “yes” for schools. For $112.50 for a $150,000 home, or $150 for a $200,000 home, we can ensure that our children and grandchildren will continue to enjoy school lunches; computers and the tech support to maintain them; instructors and assistants to teach art and physical education classes; advance placement classes for gifted students and remedial assistance for struggling students.

To continue these programs we will be taxed 75 cents per $1,000 home valuation, or 2 cents less per $1,000 that voters approved four years ago. That’s roughly a mere $2.17 per week, the price of a short, 8 oz. cup of latte (if you own a $150,000 home), or $2.90 per week, the price of a fast food burger or taco (if you own a $200,000 home).

So, phone a friend, remind a coworker, spread the word over coffee and donuts after church this Sunday. Vote “yes” for the Maintenance and Operation Levy, the Tuesday, March 8. Mail in those ballots, if you have not done so already.

The answer to the question is we all humbly share the distinction of graduating from Oak Harbor High School, and chose to return or commute to Oak Harbor to serve the community and raise our families.

Aida Letrondo Martin

Oak Harbor