Letter: Fundraiser shows strong community

Editor, The Community Foundation for Coupeville Public Schools would like to extend its thanks to Mark Laska and the great staff at Ciao! and to the Coupeville community for their outstanding support of Coupeville students and schools.


The Community Foundation for Coupeville Public Schools would like to extend its thanks to Mark Laska and the great staff at Ciao! and to the Coupeville community for their outstanding support of Coupeville students and schools.

On Monday, Feb. 25 community members turned out in record numbers to “Eat at Ciao!” where owner Mark Laska generously donated 10 percent of food sales for the entire day to the CFCPS. This is an example of the strength of our community and its commitment to provide a strong foundation for our students by providing additional support for teachers, programs and students with financial contributions to our community foundation.

Strong communities build strong schools and strong students. More events are planned for March and April. On behalf of the board of your community education foundation, once again, thank you.



Chic Merwine


