Legendary Boy Scout honored in Oak Harbor

A special Boy Scout Breakfast in Oak Harbor recently honored a living legend of scouting in this area and beyond.

A special Boy Scout Breakfast in Oak Harbor recently honored a living legend of scouting in this area and beyond.

John Allgire joined Boy Scouts in 1927 in Brawley, Calif. He stayed a member until 1930. His troop activities consisted of camping and fishing trips into Mexico. In 1933 Allgire joined the U.S. Navy and served on the China Station and in World War II and the Korean War. In 1953 he retired in Oak Harbor.

In 1956 he became the committee chairperson of Cub Pack 60 sponsored by the Clover Valley School. He remained in this position until he joined the committee of Boy Scout Troop 60 in 1959. He became the Scoutmaster of Troop 60 and 1962 and held that position until 1964.

In 1964 Allgire and Clarence Tennant formed Scout Troop 62. This was the first troop in Mount Baker Council for scouts with learning disabilities. Allgire was the Scoutmaster of Troop 62 from 1964 to 1968.

In 1968 he became the chairman of the Island District Committee, a position he held for 14 years. As district chair he served on the Executive Board of Mount Baker Council.

Allgire has remained a member of the Island District Committee since 1982. This represents, from 1956 until 2010, 54 years of continuous involvement with scouting.

He is the recipient of the Island District Award of Merit, the Silver Beaver and in 2008 the Island District Award for Lifetime Scouting Achievement. Allgire is an Order of the Arrow Brotherhood member and has served for years as a Wood Badge counselor.

In his 54 years John Allgire has been an important and integral member of Island District and Mount Baker Council. “His service, his achievements and his dedication make it only appropriate that we honor him today.”