League to hold candidate forum | Brief

The League of Women Voters will hold two public forums this month for races and issues to be decided on the August primary election.

The League of Women Voters will hold two public forums this month for races and issues to be decided on the August primary election.

The first is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 6 at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge. Participants will include those vying for the 10th Legislative District’s Senate seat and position 2 on the Island County Board of Commissioners.

For the senate seat, Republican incumbent Barbara Bailey, and challengers Angie Homola and Nick Petrish, both Democrats, are expected to attend. Participating commissioner candidates include incumbent Republican Jill Johnson, and challengers John Fowkes, a Democrat, and Dustin Amundson, a Republican.

The second forum is set for 6:30 p.m. Thursday, July 7 at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Freeland. All three Senate candidates are expected to attend.

A questio-and-answer period on the Port of South Whidbey’s fairgrounds proposal will follow.

To submit questions to the league, email lwv.whidbey@gmail.com by July 3.

Sno-Isle Libraries is sponsoring the forums.