League boosts electoral process

Regarding the League of Women Voters of Whidbey Island meeting of last Wednesday at the Elks Lodge in Oak Harbor, everyone I talked with felt the evening was well spent, showing the qualifications and qualities, or lack thereof, of each of the candidates. We learned that it is not enough to merely register as a candidate, put up yard signs and/or have friends write letters to the editor. A candidate must become informed of the job of being a county commissioner, become acquainted with the laws and rules governing the office, as well as knowing the budget and what fund expenditures are mandated by the state.

Regarding the League of Women Voters of Whidbey Island meeting of last Wednesday at the Elks Lodge in Oak Harbor, everyone I talked with felt the evening was well spent, showing the qualifications and qualities, or lack thereof, of each of the candidates.

We learned that it is not enough to merely register as a candidate, put up yard signs and/or have friends write letters to the editor. A candidate must become informed of the job of being a county commissioner, become acquainted with the laws and rules governing the office, as well as knowing the budget and what fund expenditures are mandated by the state.

The League is to be commended for its continuing contribution to the electoral process of Island County.

I am proud to be a member of the League of Women Voters.

The moderator, Marshall Goldberg, did an excellent, exemplary and efficient job of it. And the timing team was outstanding as always.

Thanks to the League for a great job well done and please share our gratitude with the rest of the team.

M. Sue Tingstad