Initiatives: Eyman should keep working

Well gee, Mr. Eyman paid himself for helping the rest of us try to get our high taxes down to a liveable level.

Well gee, Mr. Eyman paid himself for helping the rest of us try to get our high taxes down to a liveable level. Seems to me that we are now having a witch hunt to get even with Mr. Eyman, for messing with our state government, and it appears that those affected the most by taxes being lowered, are screaming to loudest to hang Mr. Eyman.

I notice that there is nothing said about some of our state agencies’ refusal to tell anyone how they spend our tax money. I say keep up the good work Tim, we need people like you to shake up our government from time to time. However I doubt that they will ever have a clue that most of us don’t want higher taxes, but less waste in government.

Robert Inkster

Oak Harbor