Concerns about individual commissioners taking action on items on their own spurred discussion at the Feb. 15 meeting of the North Whidbey Park and Recreation District.
Chair Sally Dillon stated this type of activity by individual board members is in violation of the district’s bylaws.
“I believe any action taken on an item should come from the board and with the board’s approval, not by individual board members,” she said. “Actions should be handled by the pool director at the request of the board, not from individuals.”
The discussion came about as the result of Commissioner Tom Johnson requesting that Craig Carlson, pool director, conduct preliminary coordination with the Island County treasurer for establishing a separate interest-bearing Capital Expansion budget line item for money received from donations. Donations are being collected for possible pool expansion.
Johnson further indicated he requested that all coordination be conducted via hard copy e-mail to provide a “paper trail” of account establishment and protocol for future state audits.
This action took place prior to December’s board meeting.
Johnson submitted a letter at Tuesday’s meeting providing the board with background on his request to Carlson, indicating that it was decided at the December meeting not to have this money included as part of the budget, but rather to establish a non-budget, separate Capital Projects Fund account.
Johnson indicated in his letter that this concept was approved at the January board meeting.
Johnson said after the resolution was signed, he reiterated his request to Carlson for coordination.
Apparently, Johnson received no e-mail correspondence from Carlson, but did receive an e-mail from the treasurer regarding a telephone conversation.
Johnson said he spoke again with Carlson on Jan. 26 and he sent an e-mail to the Island County treasurer using Johnson’s name, but providing the wrong information.
According to Johnson, Carlson’s e-mail stated: “Commissioner Johnson would like to have the Capital Project Fund account be a constant interest bearing account.”
“At no time during my discussions with the director was there ever any mention of a constant interest bearing account,” Johnson said. “In fact, there is no such thing as a constant interest-bearing (savings) account.”
Johnson said due to the misstatement of facts and the omission of the request all correspondence that contains his name, other than any that has his signature, be provided to him.
Carlson said there apparently was a misunderstanding in his communication with Johnson and said he would clarify the situation with the treasurer.
Other problems and questions regarding employees have arisen in the past and Commissioner Fred Henninger remarked that these problems too should be referred to the chairman first before any action is taken.