Hospital needs a reminder of public responsibility | Letter

Does Ms. Tarrant of Whidbey General Hospital Board of Directors understand that WGH is a public hospital and telling a reporter, “she considered it ‘inappropriate’ for a newspaper reporter to ask her questions about the new CEO’s contract,” is, in my opinion, inappropriate.


Does Ms. Tarrant of Whidbey General Hospital Board of Directors understand that WGH is a public hospital and telling a reporter, “she considered it ‘inappropriate’ for a newspaper reporter to ask her questions about the new CEO’s contract,” is, in my opinion, inappropriate.

Once that contract is signed, that contract becomes public information anyway.

It is only natural that a reporter would ask the question.

The hospital continually asks the voters for more money — we care where that money is spent.

The fact that the hospital has not followed state law by not reporting their financial information to the state for several years alone makes me want to know where the money is being spent.

My next question would be, Since Mr. Tomasino is leaving earlier than anticipated, what will be his severance package?

Will you spend taxpayers’ money to pay him through October?

Donna Taylor
