Hopeful common sense will prevail in gun issue | Letters

I read with dismay, the latest installment in the continuing saga of the right to bear arms in city council meetings. A criminal complaint against councilmen Joel Servatius and Rick Almberg was filed by William Frail stating that they violated their oaths of office by conspiring to deprive citizens of their constitutional rights. Mayor Scott Dudley denied involvement while at the same time stating that he believed the councilmen violated their oaths of office. How long are we going to allow ourselves to be intimidated and embarrassed by the attention-grabbing antics of people like Dudley and Frail?


I read with dismay, the latest installment in the continuing saga of the right to bear arms in city council meetings. A criminal complaint against councilmen Joel Servatius and Rick Almberg was filed by William Frail stating that they violated their oaths of office by conspiring to deprive citizens of their constitutional rights. Mayor Scott Dudley denied involvement while at the same time stating that he believed the councilmen violated their oaths of office.

How long are we going to allow ourselves to be intimidated and embarrassed by the attention-grabbing antics of people like Dudley and Frail?

I would like to expand on Prosecutor Greg Banks’ justifiable description of the complaint as frivolous since the actions of the councilmen was not unconstitutional. Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of the English language and the American Constitution will appreciate the fact that the phrase quoted ad nauseam by the gun advocates: “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” is in fact a phrase and only half a sentence. The rest of the sentence: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of the State” modifies and therefore changes the meaning of the whole sentence.

Another ridiculous contention held by gun rights people is that the right to bear arms is “God-given.” The only mention of divine involvement with rights in any of our founding documents is in the Declaration of Independence: “unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” All of these were apparently trumped for the kids at Sandy Hook by the “Second Amendment rights” of Adam Lanza.

Hopefully, common sense will prevail and our timid and/or misguided politicians can overcome pressure from a vocal minority and help to prevent future similar atrocities.

Ronald Cope
Oak Harbor