Hope community joins teachers in picketing | Letter

On Tuesday, April 21, the members of the Oak Harbor Education Association (OHEA) voted to participate in a one-day strike on Friday, May 1.


On Tuesday, April 21, the members of the Oak Harbor Education Association (OHEA) voted to participate in a one-day strike on Friday, May 1.

This decision was not made lightly. While we understand that this action will undoubtably cause some inconvenience for families, OHEA is working to find ways to lessen the impact. We knew that our students would not lose a day of learning as the school calendar would be adjusted.

This action is not a reflection on the Oak Harbor School District administration or the community of Oak Harbor. It is directed squarely at the state Legislature. The community of Oak Harbor has been very supportive of our schools. Now it’s time for teachers to do something.

We need to make every effort possible to ensure that the Legislature fully funds the basic education that is the right of every child in the state of Washington. It is time to make sure that the Legislature meets their constitutional obligation and follows the order of the Supreme Court.

It is time to show our Legislature that we are angry and frustrated that we are constantly being demanded to do more while being offered less.

It is time to let legislators know that increasing class size in grades 4-12 will have a detrimental effect on our students.

It is time to help legislators recognize that teachers and support professionals have lost pay due to no cost of living adjustments (COLA) for the past six years and will continue to lose pay with an inadequate COLA that does not match the pressures of inflation and rising health care costs.

OHEA members have lobbied their legislators through meetings, phone calls and letters.

Those methods have not made a difference, so it is time to try something more drastic.

We are going to close schools for one day with the hope of making a lasting, positive difference.

On that day, we are hoping that you will join us in informational picketing and contacting our legislators yet again. It’s time.

Kathy Ridle, president

Oak Harbor Education Association