Heterosexuals and their agenda

This November, the citizens will get a chance to vote on Referendum 71. It is worded in such a way that many might not understand the vote. The vote is to either accept the law passed by the Legislature, or to reject the law. A no vote means you accept the heterosexual agenda, which has been costing our state millions of dollars when we are already looking at over a $1 billion shortfall by the time the next session starts in January.

This November, the citizens will get a chance to vote on Referendum 71. It is worded in such a way that many might not understand the vote. The vote is to either accept the law passed by the Legislature, or to reject the law. A no vote means you accept the heterosexual agenda, which has been costing our state millions of dollars when we are already looking at over a $1 billion shortfall by the time the next session starts in January.

A yes vote means you reject the heterosexual agenda. (Last year, California estimated new tax revenues of $50 million a year and the creation of 2,000 new jobs based on same-sex marriages.)

For many years, we have seen the heterosexual lobby try to get their agenda across through any means possible. By legislative means by passing laws and attempting to change the minds of the children of each state through pro-heterosexual teaching and programs, by requiring it in sex education, bullying prevention and health classes.

They started by taking a page from Orwell’s book “1984” by attempting to change the meaning of words to the opposite of the original meaning, or newspeak. The term “straight” was perverted to represent their lifestyle instead of its original meaning of being happy and carefree, e.g., towel snapping, half-clad boys in the all-male locker room having a little fun; happens after every high school football game, right? What’s more American than that?

I urge all voters to look through history and see what marriage has always meant. Did you know that, according to the U.S. Department of Justice, from 1998 to 2002, over 1.4 million violent crimes committed against family members were inflicted on wives? Did you know that from 2001 to 2004, Army divorce rates doubled? It has been determined that all of these unions were found to be “heterosexual”!

You must reject the heterosexual agenda and vote yes on Referendum 71.

Some people will tell me I have home-phobia since I moved around a lot during my naval career. I am not a hatemonger. I neither fear nor do I hate heterosexuals. I just do not approve of some of their lifestyles in the same way I do not approve of a career criminal’s lifestyle (See Congressional Subpoenas Ignored, Karl Rove, 2007-2008). I uphold the Judeo/Christian values that this country was founded upon.

In fact, right after the Revolutionary War, Jews were denied the right to hold government office, and they were forbidden to worship in public. So again I urge you to vote yes on Referendum 71.

Curtis Freeman
