Health proposal would control families

We, like countless other Americans, have a son serving his country in Iraq. He joined the armed forces with the knowledge that he may be asked to serve in harm’s way on foreign soil and he joined gladly.

After much reflection of the current state of our country, we have concluded that we are much more concerned with the state of the union upon his return. When he left for his tour of duty our great country was beginning down the steep and slippery slope of ever-increasing government control of various sectors of American life. We can’t even imagine where the nation will be when he returns unless more average citizens voice their opinions.

We have seen increased government control of our financial and corporate sectors, from AIG to “Government Motors,” both of which have shown through the decades that they can survive and even thrive with only limited government oversight.

HR 3200, which would be financially impossible to accomplish without placing unreasonable tax burden on the average citizens, reveals that the government will have electronic access to the bank account of every participant. We don’t know about you, but even if we thought this would be a good plan (and we don’t) this one provision would give us great cause for opposition.

The government is advocating the blurring the lines between heath care and death care in HR 3200. Medical professionals who oppose killing the unborn and elderly will be forced to participate to varying degrees or be excluded from participating in the government plan.

Scariest of all, the government wants more control of our most cherished national treasure: our families. The bill outlines a “home visitation program” which gives the government the option to control the way parents raise their children even in your own home. The government is also posturing itself to be involved in the personal business of birth intervals. History is full of political parties subversively taking control of groups of people and one of the most effective ways is through the children.

We have to wonder if the advocates of this bill will be exempt from its control and the financial burden it will create.

We urge all who read this to oppose HR 3200 because of its reach into your life and the lives of your children.

Gary and Kim Morse

Oak Harbor