Hannold puts the greater good before himself | Letter

Like you, I take voting very seriously. And despite my party affiliation, I rarely vote a party-line ballot: When choosing whom to vote for, a person’s character and motivation for serving trumps all.


Like you, I take voting very seriously. And despite my party affiliation, I rarely vote a party-line ballot: When choosing whom to vote for, a person’s character and motivation for serving trumps all.

Island County has two good options in the race for District 3 Commissioner. It will be my honor to serve with either one.

However, I am thoughtfully and enthusiastically voting for Rick Hannold.

Rick is honest, straightforward, and one of the least political men I know. He clearly says it like it is; cards on the table — 100 percent transparent. His style is refreshing, agenda-free, and needed.

With Rick, you always know where you stand. In addition to Rick’s strength of character, I appreciate his like-minded conservative ideals and values.

We believe that limited, focused, priority-based government is in the best interest of Island County, and that it is critically important for the safety of our community that law and justice remains a funding priority.

We believe that it is the responsibility of elected leaders to ask tough questions and treat taxpayers’ dollars respectfully and responsibly in both the oversight of the county’s budget as well as in our service on boards.

We believe NAS Whidbey is a vital part of our community and should be treated as a respected friend and partner — never as an unwelcomed or unwanted guest.

Rick Hannold is a good, hardworking family man. As a private contractor, he knows first-hand both the challenges and opportunities of our local economy. Rick will serve with sensitivity to the needs of your family, and with strength as a retired Navy Chief to get the job done.

Rick Hannold will bring a fresh and needed perspective to the Board of Commissioners. After recently asking a candidate forum audience for their vote, Rick continued to show his character by emphasizing that even more important than voting for him, was the simple, patriotic act of voting. What a privilege; what a responsibility! And what a testament to who he his and what he values most!

Rick Hannold puts the greater good before himself, and that is testament to who he is and what he values. It’s that level of selfless leadership that I look for in any candidate when I am deciding where to invest my vote.

Jill Johnson

Island County Commissioner