Garden club plant sale Saturday

The howling wind that whistled outside the Coupeville Garden Club greenhouse brought out some light humor among members.

The howling wind that whistled outside the Coupeville Garden Club greenhouse brought out some light humor among members.

They could laugh a little about it Tuesday. But there was nothing funny about the forces of nature for this club last year.

The Coupeville Garden Club’s annual plant sale that takes place Saturday, April 25 at the Coupeville Recreation Hall is a big deal to members, serving as its major fundraiser of the year.

Last year, wind knocked out power to the greenhouse the club shares with the school district in late January, turning hundreds of starter plants into tiny frozen statues and wilting the club’s hopes for a successful plant sale in 2014.

There is no such bad fortune this year.

This Saturday’s sale, which goes from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., will feature more plants and wider varieties that didn’t experience any growing interruptions.

About 250 tomato plants will be on sale, as well as a large selection of perennials and annuals, including many specialty geraniums.

There also will be hanging baskets of annuals, fuchsias and lots of garden art, including concrete leaves.

Russell Johnson built two metal garden trellises that will be raffled off to benefit the garden club.

“We’re in good shape this year,” said Chipper Cromley.

“We planted 300 tomato seeds and they all came back,” said Linda Youngs.

The Coupeville Garden Club, which started in 1961, is dedicated to the tending of its historic town in colorful, well-manicured ways.

The Coupeville club takes care of the grounds at the Rec Hall, Cook’s Corner Park, Coupe’s Park and around the town’s welcome sign at State Highway 20 and North Main Street.

The barrels that are seen throughout Coupeville are planted and maintained by the Coupeville Garden Club.

In May, the club will be tending to hanging baskets.

“It makes it feel friendly, I think,” Youngs said of the town.

“I love this town,” said Patrice Heyduck, who moved to Coupeville from Illinois 15 years ago. “We could have lived anywhere in Washington. We chose Coupeville.

For more information about the Coupeville Garden Club or plant sale, go to

