Feedback: Secede from land use laws

I am sickened that our state government has become so controlled by leftist boneheads - that fools like WEAN’s Steve Erickson have any legal avenue of resistance to the will of the decent people.

I am sickened that our state government has become so controlled by leftist boneheads – that fools like WEAN’s Steve Erickson have any legal avenue of resistance to the will of the decent people. Such lunacy as is apparent in the latest round of land use restrictions and is strong evidence that our state government has gone completely corrupt. It has become a bludgeon for the fringy non-producers among us to use at will — to rob us not only of our hard earned cash but now also of our prerogatives.

The corrupt election resulting in the installment of our reigning leftist governor is beginning to show people that freedom and dignity have no legal remedy to right terrible wrongs perpetrated by criminal elements in high and influential places. Add to that a leftist Supreme Court, impaneled as an aid to destroying honest lives and promoting chaos amongst us rather than being a refuge for the severely wronged, and you get one volatile situation.

For much less than this imposition by our unlawful state government have Americans resorted to force of arms. It is a credit to our humanity and speaks well of our strength of restraint that no one has so far exercised his second amendment right to back up his first amendment right when such a just cause (defending property rights) is criminally thwarted by our very own government in their wrongfully taking the means by which we pursue happiness.

Then again, maybe Washingtonians have just lost their will to resist leftist tyranny. That would be a shame. For evil to triumph, it is necessary not only that good men do nothing, but do ineffectively.

Perhaps we should secede from Washington State and declare ourselves sovereign and separate from that berserk monster King County and its craven toadies in perdition down at Olympia.

James M. Mathis

Oak Harbor